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Rotate PDF Pages

Rotate Specific Pages in Your PDF File with Ease

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How to Rotate Pages in a PDF Online for Free

Make it simple to work with your PDFs by ensuring that readers can view the pages in the intended orientation.

pop up titled 'Add your file' allowing users to rotate pages from their pdf files

Step 1: Upload Your PDFs

Upload your PDF by clicking the “Upload” button or use the drag-and-drop feature to easily add your document.

Step 2: Select Pages

Choose the pages you wish to rotate. To select all pages, click the “Select All” checkbox. If you only need to rotate specific pages, click on the thumbnails of those pages.

document interface allowing users to rotate pages from their pdf files

Step 3: Rotate Pages

Utilize the “Rotate Counterclockwise” or “Rotate Clockwise” buttons to rotate the selected pages in 90-degree increments. Continue rotating until the page is in your desired orientation. You can view the thumbnails to confirm the changes.

Step 4: Save Your PDF

Once you’re satisfied with the rotations, save your PDF to create a new document featuring the selected pages in their appropriate orientation.

Adjust, Fix, and Streamline PDF Pages

Icon for Adjust Page Orientation

Adjust Page Orientation

Enhance the readability of your PDF by correcting the page orientation. Easily switch between landscape and portrait modes for an optimal user experience.

Icon for Fix Scanned Pages

Fix Scanned Pages

If your PDF pages are scanned sideways or upside down, you can easily rotate them to achieve the correct alignment and ensure clarity for viewers.

Icon for Streamline Usability

Streamline Usability

Ensure that all your PDF pages are displayed exactly as intended for effective presenting, reviewing, and printing. Optimize your document layout with ease.